Dunkley Lumber Ltd. is first and foremost committed to responsible forest stewardship. As such, we have achieved certification under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program.
SFI is a comprehensive set of principles, objectives and performance measures that, when met, ensure the timber resource can be grown and harvested in perpetuity while at the same time maintaining the long term protection of wildlife, biodiversity, soil and water quality.
The SFI certification program also ensures logs obtained through wood purchase programs outside our Tree Farm License (TFL 53) come from operations demonstrating sustainable forestry practices.
A key component of the SFI certification is the Environmental Management System (EMS) for Woodlands Operations. The Environmental Management System (EMS) is designed to identify environmental risks and provide control mechanisms to minimize the negative environmental impacts.
Independent auditing is used to monitor and confirm that Dunkley continues to meet the SFI standards.
In addition to sustainable forest practices in our woodlands operations, we maintain the principle that all aspects of our operations should be undertaken within the context of environmental sustainability.
Chain of Custody Certification
Dunkley forest product manufacturing is certified to the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) chain of custody standard. The PEFC chain of custody standard assures customers that the logs used in the manufacture of Dunkley’s forest products come from well managed forests that comply with legal requirements. The logs are tracked from their source, through the milling process and ending with the products delivered to our customers.
- SFI Forest Management Certificate (PDF, 211 KB)
- PEFC Chain of Custody Certificate (PDF, 211 KB)