Dunkley is committed, through the application of personnel, resources, and the EMS to implementing and achieving the Sustainable Forestry Initiative principles. The SFI 2022 Forest Management Standard and SFI 2022 Fibre Sourcing Standard will be used as a framework to demonstrate our commitment to, and the practice of sustainable forest management.
Dunkley is committed to reforest and achieve free growing status on all cutover lands to targeted stocking levels, with desired species and within a minimum time period to achieve the objective of capturing the full productive capacity of the land base.
Dunkley is committed to protect and maintain long-term forest and soil productivity by minimizing activities that cause soil degradation and by rehabilitating damaged sites.
Dunkley will protect the forests over which we have responsibility, from economically or environmentally undesirable levels of wildfire, pests, diseases, invasive exotic plants and animals and other damaging agents by participating in forest health programs in order to maintain and improve long term forest health and productivity.
Dunkley will protect riparian features and the quality of water in streams, lakes and other water bodies by:
- Following provincial legislation in all phases of forest operations,
- Incorporating the protection of water bodies and riparian features into harvest unit plans, and
- Conforming to forestry best management practices.
Dunkley will manage forests to protect and promote biological diversity, including animal and plant species, wildlife habitat, and ecological or natural community types, through compliance with regulatory requirements for managing biological diversity.
Dunkley will manage the visual impacts of forest operations in visually sensitive landscapes by utilizing the principles of visual landscape design.
Dunkley will provide recreational opportunities for the public by maintaining access on the Crown forest land on which we operate.
Dunkley will conduct programs to identify, map and manage special sites including ecologically, geologically, historically or culturally important features on the areas in which we operate in a manner that protects their integrity. Management of the special sites will take into account the unique characteristics of the feature.
Dunkley will promote the practice of sustainable forestry among other forest landowners by:
- Supplying information on acceptable forest practices that are both scientifically credible and economically, environmentally and socially responsible, to wood suppliers from whom we purchase wood,
- Promoting the professional training of wood producers through participation in and the support of the Western Canada Sustainable Forestry Initiative Implementation Committee in the development and administration of wood producer training courses,
- Promoting the use of qualified resource professionals and trained loggers, and,
- Communicating our commitment to the SFI standard throughout the organization, with a focused effort on the woodlands staff and the management team.
Dunkley will not purchase wood fiber from outside of North America including countries without effective social laws.
Dunkley will apply the EMS in compliance with the Environmental Policy and this Forest Stewardship Policy to demonstrate legal compliance with applicable federal, provincial and related environmental laws, statutes and regulations including applicable social laws.
Dunkley commits to support advances in sustainable forest management through support for and the application of forestry research, science and technology.
Dunkley will improve the practice of sustainable forestry through support for and the application of training and education programs.
Dunkley will broaden the practice of sustainable forestry on all lands through participation in community events and by striving to meet social license requirements as demonstrated through socially responsible practices.
Dunkley will broaden the practice of sustainable forestry on all lands through recognition and respect of First Nations rights and traditional forest related knowledge.
Dunkley will seek and welcome opportunities to learn about the Indigenous Nations whose territory we work on and advance cultural awareness with employees and contractors.
Dunkley will work with Indigenous Nations to create respectful and successful partnerships that are mutually beneficial and promote superior forest stewardship.
Dunkley will meaningfully engage with Indigenous Nations on forest development.
Dunkley will broaden the understanding of forest certification to the 2022 Standard by documenting certification audits and making these findings publicly available.
Dunkley will strive to continually improve the practice of forest management and to monitor, measure and report performance in achieving the commitment to sustainable forestry.